About The Firm
Aviad, Itach & Co. Law Office and Notary
Aviad Itach Co., a law firm and notary, was ranked by 'Dun's 100' as one of the leading law firms in Israel in the field of real estate, in general and in the area of estates and the agricultural sector, in particular.
The firm was founded in 2005 by the founding partners, attorneys Aviad Amitai and Itach David, and it specializes in commercial-civil law in its various branches in four different departments that combine accumulated knowledge and expertise in every case handled by our firm.
The firm's " I believe"
The firm's founding partners are committed to thoroughness, creativity, and uncompromising legal quality in a timely manner, while providing personal attention, extra care for the service experience and adjusting the fee rates, accordingly. Each member of the legal team in our firm has been carefully selected, to match the appropriate team in the office to each client, while analyzing the client's case and his individual needs. We cherish and nurture our old clients who have accompanied us for many years, and we welcome new clients who join our clientele and who will also benefit from the quality of our firm's service and the legal practice that distinguishes us.
In all his areas of practice, our office makes sure to maintain close relationships, both with professionals and experts in their field, such as: accountants, economists, appraisers, and researchers, and on cooperation with leading lawyers in their field, all while providing a high-quality and professional envelope to the firm's clients. Our service model makes us an attractive choice for clients who require legal services, ranging from large and highly sophisticated institutions, public companies, cooperative societies, large companies, etc., to private entities, entrepreneurs and family companies that are among our clientele.
Legal team
The team of lawyers of Aviad Itach & Co. has extensive and in-depth legal experience, knowledge and understanding that lead to the provision of the best legal service to the firm's loyal clientele, in short times and of the highest legal quality, while combining legal, intellectual and creative qualities in providing and adapting the best response and advice to each A client of the firm's clients.
Legal Services
The unique professional knowledge as well as the extensive experience gained by the firm's founding partners during their work in the leading firms in Israel and in law practice for over two decades, enable the firm's clients to receive comprehensive legal and commercial services at the most professional, high-quality, and personal level, in four key areas:
1. Litigation and Dispute Management Department
The Litigation and Dispute Management Department in our office, managed by the founding partner Adv. and Notary Aviad Amitai, specializes in conductingb complex disputes in the field of civil-commercial litigation in all courts, including arbitration and mediation, while representing public and private companies in the various trade sectors, with an emphasis on the Income Generating Properties and real estate industry in Israel.
2. Commercial Real Estate Department
The real estate and commercial department in our firm, managed by founding partner David Itach, attorney, coordinates the field of real estate and commercial transactions while providing ongoing and close support to clients, including analysis of the client's portfolio and its individual and unique needs from a variety of different aspects.
3. Agriculture Sector Department
The department of the agricultural sector in our office, which is managed by the founding partner, Attorney David Itach, has unique and professional knowledge, the result of many years of experience in this field in general and in working with all the various authorities in particular. As part of this professional work, our office cooperates with architects Licensing, tax advisors, surveyors, first-class appraisers, and all this to provide the client with the best professional service, advice and guidance within the complexity that characterizes transactions in this field.
4. Portugal Desk
In 2023, together with attorney Avi Hasson, who has accompanied our firm for years as an external consultant, we established the Portugal Desk, which provides the firm's clients with a variety of legal services in Portugal in particular, and in the countries of the European Union in general. The desk provides representation and legal guidance to buyers and Israeli investors in real estate transactions in Portugal and provides representation and support to Israeli companies in commercial agreements and engagements with Portuguese companies while providing close legal support required for entry into the Portuguese real estate market.
The firm's clients include public companies, private companies, cooperative societies, and individuals who benefit from the variety of legal services provided by the firm's staff, personally.
Acro Tower, Tel Aviv, 8 Ytzhak Sadeh, 6777508
Fax: 03-6850043
Phone: 03-6236130